Calculated Point

 Creates a calculated point
  • Term of the x-coordinate
  • Term of the y-coordinate
  • Point
 Calculated Point can have terms for coordinates. This way points that cannot be constructed with compass and ruler can still be created in  .
Clicking on  Calculated Point opens up an input dialogue for a new  Calculated Point. If the dialogue gets closed, but the symbol stays selected, a new dialogue can be opened by clicking on the board.


  • x = 2
    y = X(A)
  • x = Sin(X(A))+Cos(Y(B))
    y = If(X(A)<0,4,Y(A)+2)

For more informations see Calculations.

If terms have been input before, they can be accessed through a list.



Especially with calculated points, the trace is of interest (Plotter). That is, why the input dialogue offers the possibility to immediately set the trace property of a new  Calculated Point by checking the checkbox "Show Trace".


Free points with a initial position

The dialogue  Calculated Point also offers the possibility to exactly position free points. For this, the checkbox "Free Point with these Initial Coordinates" has to be checked. This does not create a  Calculated Point, but a free point whose initial coordinates are calculated once.

A free point can also be positioned exactly subsequently in the dialogue  object properties.


Points with conditions

(x;y)-points can also be used as points with a condition. For this purpose conditions (If(condition,true,false)) have to be assigned to the coordinates.



x-coordinate If(X(A)<0,0,X(A))
y-coordinate If(X(A)<0,0,-Y(A))

The  Calculated Point created lies on the origin, if the x-coordinate of the point A is negativ. Otherwise the new point has the same coordinates as the point reflected in the x-axis.
